We had another successful food drive at the Hayesville Roth’s this past Saturday. Thank you to Steve Poland, Joe Burns, Ted Mack, Karin & David Holton, Ken Morin and especially to Ron Hanna (who did a double shift). I heard from Abby of Marion Polk Food Share that we met both our participation and financial goals for this year! Congratulations to us and thank you for your generosity!
We have a guest book available at the check-in desk for Friday luncheons. If you bring a guest, please encourage them to leave us their email address to receive our weekly newsletter. That way, they will be able to mark their calendars for upcoming guest speakers.
At our club assembly a couple weeks ago, the following fund raising ideas were discussed and will be researched by the following member:
* Selling pies from Willamette Fruit Company (Sparky Vaubel);
* Selling garden/flower seeds or flower baskets (Steve Poland & Emil Graziani);
* Joining with the other Salem club to sponsor an event at the Elsinore Theater (Karin Holton):
Another option that was raised is that we participate in projects that don’t require an expenditure of funds on our part. This would mean that we would be volunteering for an existing non-profit on one of their projects.
Membership ideas:
* Being more deliberate about talking about Rotary and our club with visitors who might not know anything about Rotary;
* Having better follow-up with guests and speakers;
* Improving our mentorships of red badge members;
* Announcing our luncheon speakers in the newspaper, if possible.
We also discussed the possibility of moving our luncheons to another site:
* Roth’s Center Street hospitality center (Sparky Vaubel);
* East Salem Community Center (Maureen Casey).
As you can see, there are many ideas to look into. If you are interested in one of them, please contact the person in charge of the idea.
To read more, click here.